How Finding My Passion in Tech Has Ignited My Career
This post is unlike my previous posts, but I felt like this was a good opportunity to explain why I have begun this journey and I hope it inspires someone to move forward with their career dreams too! Keep reading to see how finding my passion in tech has ignited my career.
Bullet Journal Ideas for Personal Growth
Bullet journaling, the coined analog system by Ryder Carroll, is a journal meant to track the past, organize the present and plan the future. It’s the perfect alternative for people who like goal setting and have a lot of things to do but never quite stick to them. As the world become digitized, it is […]
How to Job Search While Employed or In School
We all want to find a dream job, but job searching is one of those things that can eat up a lot of our time. If you are anything like me, you had to job hunt while still employed or at school. So, how can you start job searching no matter if you are already […]
Fix Your Resume Mistakes Today & Get the Job Tomorrow!
If you were anything like me, job hunting was not always fun. But it’s a brand new year and a brand new you! It’s a lot of work, a lot of research and can be time consuming. The most important tool for recruiters to find the right candidate is your resume. Like many students, I […]